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  Copy data from one workbook to another with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 08:02 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Sub CopyData()
    Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
    Dim destinationSheet As Worksheet

    'Set the source and destination sheets
    Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set destinationSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")

    'Copy data from source to destination
    sourceSheet.Range("A1:C10").Copy destinationSheet.Range("A1")
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named CopyData. 
It declares two variables sourceSheet and destinationSheet, representing the worksheets from which you want to copy data and where you want to paste it. 
The Set statement is used to specify the source and destination sheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2) within the same workbook. 
The Copy method is then used to copy the data from cell range A1:C10 on sourceSheet to cell range A1 on destinationSheet.

The Copy method is used to copy a range of cells from one worksheet to another. 
The method is invoked on the source range (sourceSheet.Range("A1:C10")) and specifies the destination range (destinationSheet.Range("A1")) as the place where the data will be pasted.

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  Calculate the factorial of a number with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:56 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Function Factorial(num As Integer) As Long
    Dim result As Long
    Dim i As Integer

    result = 1
    For i = 1 To num
        result = result * i
    Next i

    Factorial = result
End Function

Sub CalculateFactorial()
    Dim num As Integer

    num = 5 'Enter the number for which you want to calculate the factorial

    MsgBox "The factorial of " & num & " is: " & Factorial(num)
End Sub


This code consists of two parts. 
The first part defines a custom function named Factorial, which calculates the factorial of a given number. 
The second part defines a subroutine named CalculateFactorial, where you can specify the number for which you want to calculate the factorial.

The custom function Factorial is created to calculate the factorial of a number. 
The function takes an integer input num and returns a Long value as the result. 
It uses a For loop to iterate from 1 to num and multiplies the numbers together to find the factorial. 
The CalculateFactorial subroutine calls the Factorial function with a specified number (num) and displays the factorial in a message box.

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  Find the maximum value in a range with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:54 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Sub FindMaxValue()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim maxVal As Double

    'Set the range where you want to find the maximum value
    Set rng = Range("A1:A10")

    'Find the maximum value in the range
    maxVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(rng)

    'Display the maximum value
    MsgBox "The maximum value in the range is: " & maxVal
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named FindMaxValue. 
It declares two variables rng (to represent the range) and maxVal (to store the maximum value). 
The Set statement is used to define the range of cells (A1 to A10) where you want to find the maximum value. 
The Max function from the WorksheetFunction object is used to find the maximum value in the range. 
The maximum value is then displayed in a message box.

The Max function is part of the WorksheetFunction object, and it returns the maximum value from a given range of cells. 
By using the Application object to access the WorksheetFunction, we can call the Max function in VBA.

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  Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:51 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Sub ConvertToFahrenheit()
    Dim fahrenheitTemp As Double
    Dim celsiusTemp As Double

    fahrenheitTemp = 68
    celsiusTemp = (fahrenheitTemp - 32) * 5 / 9

    MsgBox fahrenheitTemp & " degrees Fahrenheit is equal to " & celsiusTemp & " degrees Celsius."
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named ConvertToFahrenheit. 
It declares two variables fahrenheitTemp and celsiusTemp to store temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius, respectively. 
It sets the value of fahrenheitTemp to 68. 
The temperature in Fahrenheit is converted to Celsius using the formula (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9. 
The converted temperature is then displayed in a message box.

The formula (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9 is used to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius. 
The MsgBox function displays the converted temperature in a message box.

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  Count the number of rows in a worksheet with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:50 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Sub CountRows()
    Dim rowCount As Long

    rowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    MsgBox "The number of rows in the worksheet is: " & rowCount & "."
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named CountRows. 
It declares a variable rowCount to hold the count of rows. 
The UsedRange property is used to get the range of cells that have data in the active worksheet. 
The Rows.Count property gets the number of rows in that range. 
The count of rows is then displayed in a message box.

The ActiveSheet object represents the currently active worksheet. 
The UsedRange property returns a Range object that represents the used range on the worksheet. 
The Rows.Count property returns the number of rows in that range.

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  Calculate the average of three numbers in VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:40 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


Sub CalculateAverage()
    Dim num1 As Double
    Dim num2 As Double
    Dim num3 As Double
    Dim average As Double

    num1 = 5
    num2 = 3
    num3 = 7

    average = (num1 + num2 + num3) / 3

    MsgBox "The average of " & num1 & ", " & num2 & ", and " & num3 & " is " & average & "."
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named CalculateAverage. 
It declares five variables num1, num2, num3, and average to hold the values of three numbers and their average. 
It sets the values of num1, num2, and num3 to 5, 3, and 7, respectively. 
The average of the three numbers is calculated and displayed in a message box.

The average of three numbers is calculated by adding them together and then dividing the sum by the count of numbers (in this case, 3). 
The MsgBox function displays the result in a message box.

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  Creating an input box to ask a user for its name in VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:35 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


This code prompts the user to enter their name using an input box and then displays a personalized greeting.


Sub PersonalizedGreeting()
    Dim userName As String

    userName = InputBox("Please enter your name:")
    If userName <> "" Then
        MsgBox "Hello, " & userName & "! Welcome to Excel VBA."
        MsgBox "You did not enter a name. Goodbye!"
    End If
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named PersonalizedGreeting. 
It declares a variable userName to store the user's input. 
The InputBox function displays a prompt asking the user to enter their name. 
If the user provides a name, a personalized greeting is shown in a message box. 
If the user leaves the input box empty, a different message is displayed.

The InputBox function is used to prompt the user for input. 
The If statement checks whether the userName variable contains a value. 
If it does, the personalized greeting is shown; otherwise, a message indicating that no name was entered is displayed.

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  Loop to display numbers in VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:33 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


This code uses a loop to display numbers from 1 to 5 in separate message boxes.


Sub DisplayNumbers()
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To 5
        MsgBox "Number: " & i
    Next i
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named DisplayNumbers. 
It declares a variable i to use as a loop counter. 
The For loop runs from 1 to 5, and for each iteration, a message box displays the value of i.

The For loop is a control structure used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a specific range of values. 
In this case, the loop runs five times, and the i variable takes values from 1 to 5.

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  Additions with variables in VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:31 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


This code calculates the sum of two numbers and displays the result in a message box.


Sub SumNumbers()
    Dim num1 As Double
    Dim num2 As Double
    Dim sum As Double

    num1 = 5
    num2 = 3
    sum = num1 + num2

    MsgBox "The sum of " & num1 & " and " & num2 & " is " & sum & "."
End Sub


This code defines a subroutine named SumNumbers. 
It declares three variables num1, num2, and sum to hold the values of two numbers and their sum. 
It then sets the values of num1 and num2 to 5 and 3, respectively. 
The sum of the two numbers is calculated and displayed in a message box.

The Dim statement is used to declare variables. 
In this case, we use the Double data type to store numbers with decimal places. 
The & operator is used for string concatenation, combining text and variable values in the message box.

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  How to create a simple message box with VBA
Posted by: Qomplainerz - 07-27-2023, 07:27 AM - Forum: Excel VBA Tutorials - No Replies


This code defines a subroutine named GreetUser. 
When you run the macro, a message box will pop up with the greeting "Hello! Welcome to Excel VBA."


Sub GreetUser()
    MsgBox "Hello! Welcome to Excel VBA."
End Sub


The MsgBox function is used to display a message box with the specified text. 
In this case, the text "Hello! Welcome to Excel VBA" is shown in the message box.

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