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Advanced animations in CSS3

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Advanced Animations Example</title>
    /* Define a complex animation using @keyframes */
    @keyframes slide-and-spin {
      0% {
        transform: translateX(-100%);
      50% {
        transform: translateX(0) rotate(180deg);
      100% {
        transform: translateX(100%);
    div {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      background-color: lightblue;
      animation: slide-and-spin 3s infinite alternate;
  <div>This div slides and spins back and forth.</div>

Explanation: Advanced animations can be defined using @keyframes to specify different stages of the animation. In this example, the slide-and-spin animation is defined with three keyframes (0%, 50%, and 100%). The div element applies this animation, making it slide and spin back and forth infinitely.

8. Transformations:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Transformations Example</title>
    /* Apply multiple transformations to the image */
    img {
      width: 200px;
      height: 150px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      transform: rotate(20deg) scale(1.5) skew(10deg);
  <img src="example.jpg" alt="Transformed Image">

Explanation: Transformations (transform) allow you to manipulate the appearance of elements. In this example, the img element is rotated 20 degrees, scaled to 1.5 times its original size, and skewed by 10 degrees.

9. Advanced Media Queries:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Advanced Media Queries Example</title>
    /* Apply different styles for different screen sizes */
    p {
      font-size: 16px;
    @media (max-width: 600px) {
      p {
        font-size: 12px;
  <p>This is a paragraph with responsive font size.</p>

Explanation: Advanced media queries allow you to target specific screen sizes or device features. In this example, the p element has a font size of 16 pixels by default. When the screen width is 600 pixels or less, the @media rule applies, and the font size is changed to 12 pixels, making the text more readable on smaller screens.

10. Multi-column Layout:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Multi-column Layout Example</title>
    /* Create a multi-column layout for the paragraph */
    p {
      column-count: 3;
      column-gap: 20px;
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus odio id facilisis iaculis.
    Pellentesque vel enim nec elit eleifend malesuada nec a erat.

Explanation: Multi-column layout (column-count) allows you to split the content of an element into multiple columns. In this example, the p element is divided into three columns, and a gap of 20 pixels is added between the columns.

11. Scroll Snap:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Scroll Snap Example</title>
    /* Create a scroll snap effect for the image container */
    .image-container {
      display: flex;
      overflow-x: scroll;
      scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
    .image {
      flex: 0 0 100%;
      scroll-snap-align: center;
  <div class="image-container">
    <img class="image" src="image1.jpg" alt="Image 1">
    <img class="image" src="image2.jpg" alt="Image 2">
    <img class="image" src="image3.jpg" alt="Image 3">

Explanation: Scroll snap allows you to create a smooth scrolling experience with snap points. In this example, the .image-container is set to overflow-x: scroll to enable horizontal scrolling. The scroll-snap-type: x mandatory property ensures that images will snap to the container when scrolling. The images within the container, represented by the .image class, are aligned to the center of the container when snapping occurs.

12. CSS Containment:
CSS containment allows you to control layout recalculations and improve rendering performance. To see the effect of containment, a more complex example with performance testing and profiling would be required, which goes beyond the scope of a simple code example.

13. CSS Exclusions:
CSS exclusions (wrap shapes) enable text to flow around irregular shapes. The specification for exclusions was retired in 2017, and browser support is limited. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, this feature is not widely implemented, making it challenging to provide a practical example.

14. CSS Conic Gradients:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>CSS Conic Gradients Example</title>
    /* Apply a conic gradient background to the div element */
    div {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      background-image: conic-gradient(at 50% 50%, red, yellow, green);
  <div>This div has a conic gradient background.</div>


Conic gradients (conic-gradient) create a color transition around a central point in a circular pattern. In this example, the div element has a conic gradient background, starting with red at the top, transitioning to yellow on the right, and ending with green at the bottom. The at 50% 50% specifies the center point of the gradient.

Keep in mind that some advanced features, like CSS exclusions, may have limited browser support, and it's essential to check compatibility before using them in production. Additionally, some examples, such as CSS containment, may require more complex use cases and performance testing to fully understand their impact. As you delve into these advanced features, remember to experiment, explore, and test to gain a comprehensive understanding of CSS3's capabilities.
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Messages In This Thread
Advanced animations in CSS3 - by Qomplainerz - 07-26-2023, 07:19 PM

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