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Calculating the area of a rectangle in C

The int data type is one of the most commonly used data types in C programming for representing and manipulating whole numbers. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, from basic arithmetic calculations to handling user input and data processing. When working with integers, it's essential to be mindful of potential overflow or underflow issues if the values exceed the allowed range for int. In such cases, you may need to consider using a larger data type, such as long int or long long int, which can hold larger integer values.


int length = 5;
int width = 3;
int area = length * width;


In this example, we declare int variables length, width, and area.
We assign the values 5 and 3 to length and width, respectively.
We calculate the area of a rectangle by multiplying length and width, and store the result in the area variable.
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